日本能率協会 ドット方眼リフィルメモ(100枚入り) ミニ6サイズ P450(230セット) 人気の方眼メモに新しいタイプが登場。 文字だけではなく図や表を書きやすいドット方眼のため、枠にとらわれない自由度の高い作りとなっております。 自由度が高く、発想が広がる方眼メモ サイズ(mm) 126×80 A new type comes up in a popular squares memo. It becomes high in the flexibility not to be seized with a frame for the dot squares that are easy to write a figure and a table as well as a letter made.
The squares memo which flexibility is high and an idea spreads through Size (mm) 126*80
日本能率協会 ドット方眼リフィルメモ(100枚入り) ミニ6サイズ P450(230セット)
サイズ(mm) 126×80
A new type comes up in a popular squares memo.
It becomes high in the flexibility not to be seized with a frame for the dot squares that are easy to write a figure and a table as well as a letter made.
The squares memo which flexibility is high and an idea spreads through
Size (mm) 126*80