コクヨ/カミメクリメクリンM 4901480270876 内径13×長さ11人差し指・中指に使えるMサイズです。ネイルカラーで人気のあるパールカラーを採用。キラキラのパールカラーが指先を彩ります。カラーはパールピンクタイプ。3色(ダークカラー・ライトカラー・ホワイト)で構成されています。濃淡をつけたグラデーションカラーから、ネイルカラーを選ぶ感覚でお好みのカラーを選べます。柔らかく、伸縮性に優れたシリコンゴム素材なので、指にしっかりフィットし、紙のめくりやすさも抜群です。従来の指サックのような、ゴム独特のいやなにおいがしません。長時間付けていても指がむれにくい穴あきタイプです。 ◆種類:M(女性人差指用・中指用)◆入り数/5個(ダークピンク2個、ライトピンク2個、ホワイト1個)シリコンゴム It is medium size to be usable to an inside diameter 13* length 11 forefinger the middle finger. I adopt a popular pearl color by a nail color. A pearl color of dazzling colors a finger-tip. The color is a pearl pink type. I am comprised of three colors (dark color bright color white). I can choose a favorite color for a sense to choose a nail color as among the gradation color that I added the light and shade to. I fit a finger well softly as it is a silicon rubber material superior in elasticity and am paper のめくりやすさも preeminence. I do not smell peculiar to rubber such as the conventional fingerstall no. It is the hole space type that a finger is hard to get sweaty even if I attach it for a long time. ◆A kind: Number of M (for the middle finger for the woman forefinger) ◆ entering /5 unit (two dark pink light pink two none of the white) silicon rubber
コクヨ/カミメクリメクリンM 4901480270876
It is medium size to be usable to an inside diameter 13* length 11 forefinger the middle finger. I adopt a popular pearl color by a nail color. A pearl color of dazzling colors a finger-tip. The color is a pearl pink type. I am comprised of three colors (dark color bright color white). I can choose a favorite color for a sense to choose a nail color as among the gradation color that I added the light and shade to. I fit a finger well softly as it is a silicon rubber material superior in elasticity and am paper のめくりやすさも preeminence. I do not smell peculiar to rubber such as the conventional fingerstall no. It is the hole space type that a finger is hard to get sweaty even if I attach it for a long time.
◆A kind: Number of M (for the middle finger for the woman forefinger) ◆ entering /5 unit (two dark pink light pink two none of the white) silicon rubber